Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Top 10 reasons to see a Chiropractor!

1Back Pain- for relief and prevention.
Consumer Reports rated Chiropractic the #1 solution to lower back pain over medical care, medications, acupuncture and physical therapy. Numerous studies show how patients seeking chiropractic care for low back pain get relief faster and better results that last longer over time.
2Neck Pain- relief and prevention.
Chiropractic’s history with neck pain is just as impressive as our results with lower back pain. Studies have found chiropractic patients recovered twice as fast as those receiving traditional medical care.
3. Pain, Tingling and/or Numbness in an Extremity.
Patients who are suffering with sciatica (in legs or feet), or a cervical radiculopathy (in arm or hand) usually seek medical intervention first due to the pain and discomfort. Chiropractic can remove the irritation/ pressure on the nerves affected, thereby addressing the cause instead of covering up the symptoms. In most cases, Chiropractic can delay or even eliminate the need for drugs or surgery.
4. Headaches/ Migraines- relief and prevention.
Headaches are a very common condition, but they are never “normal”. They are a sign that you have excessive stress on your central nervous system. Chiropractic has been shown to help with all sorts of headaches. From the classic migraines to tension type headaches. If headaches are plaguing you, Chiropractic is a logical place to start.
5. Discomfort 
6. Improved Range of Motion and Peak Performance.
Many athletes see chiropractors on a regular basis. Professional athletes in every sport have endorsed chiropractic. Chiropractic helps the musculoskeletal system to perform better and reduce injuries and recover time. Athletes such as Tiger Woods, Jerry Rice, Evander Holyfield, Lance Armstrong and many others include Chiropractic as part of their lifestyle.
7. Healthier Children.
More and more parents have been bringing their children to see the chiropractor for multiple reasons. Word of mouth of many success stories is travelling fast. Infants/Children have spines just like adults and they need checked. Much easier to fix small problems in children before they become big adult problems. Most treatment with infants and small children is with a gentle adjusting technique called the Activator.
We have many patients who have been helped after being injured in car accidents. Chiropractic helps restore proper spinal/ extremity range of motion and function. This usually takes care of the pain. We direct bill all MVA claims and this can include massage therapy treatments.
9. Help with Sleep.
 Many people suffer from poor sleep quality due to pain/ stress issues within the body. On top of causing sleep disruptions, it can also lead to some of the other symptoms we’ve discussed so far. We all know that a good night’s rest is one of the most important things we can give our body, to allow it to recharge while we sleep. Treating body pain with chiropractic therapy can help improve your quality of sleep, and thereby lead to a reduction in other symptoms.


Let’s face it, in today’s fast paced world, life is hectic and most of us probably feel that we have too much going on. Stress is one of the most detrimental conditions to suffer from, because while it originates in the mind, it very often manifests physically in the body. Even if you don’t have pain, chiropractic treatments can help reduce stress on your body and soul. Think of it as a spa treatment – one that not only makes you feel good physically, but also makes you feel better emotionally.
This next list is an oldie but one of my favourites!
We promise to not have these 10 on a visit with us J
David Letterman's Top 10 Signs You've Gone to a Bad Chiropractor
10. When you walk, you make a wacky accordion sound.
9. Keeps saying, "A spine is like a box of chocolates."
8. Repeatedly asks, "You a cop? You sure you aint' no cop?"
7. Over and over, you hear crunching sounds followed by, "Uh-oh."
6. There's a two-drink minimum.
5. At end of session, lies down on the table and says, "My turn!"
4. He was nowhere near Woodstock and yet he's covered with mud.
3. Rushes in late to your appointment still wearing his Burger King uniform.
2. Hints that for an extra $50, he'll "straighten" something else.
1. You're fully clothed and he's naked.
Dr. Stephen Kelly D.C.
Dr. Kelly practices at Family First Chiropractic located at 142 Erickson drive in Red Deer. Call us today to book an appointment (403)347-3261 or visit us at www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tips for Better Digestion

Digestion is the process were our food is broken down so it can be absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to cells throughout the body to providing nourishment and energy. If your digestive system is not functioning at its best, this could lead to a suppressed immune system. Improving digestion is one of the most important steps you can take in improving your health.
Integrate these tips into your day-to-day activity to help improve your digestive function.
Stay Hydrated.  Drinking enough water keeps your intestines smooth and flexible and helps keep the food you eat moving through your intestines.
Get Your Magnesium.   Improved digestion. Muscles within the digestive tract, including the intestinal wall, are relaxed by magnesium, which improves digestion, as well as counterbalances stomach acid and advances stools through the intestines. General relaxation.
Take Probiotics.  Taking probiotics have been found to play a positive role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, weight loss, detoxification and prevention of urinary tract infections.
Increase Fiber Intake.  Eating fiber-rich foods helps move the contents of the large intestine along more quickly and helps to soften the stool by absorbing water.
Get Moving.  The sedentary modern lifestyle puts a kink in the digestive process and makes normal digestion more difficult. Regular exercise helps keep foods moving through your digestive system, reducing constipation and helping you maintain a healthy weight.
Reduce Stress.  Stress can cause your digestive system to shut down due to the “flight or fight” response. This increases the incidence of constipation. Stress can also lead to increased heart burn
Take Your Time.  Eat in a relaxed environment and focus on eating. Slow down and focus on chewing your food. Notice the flavours of each bite and be mindful of what and how much you are consuming. Slowing down allows your body to register when you have eaten all that you need and helps to avoid overeating.
Remove Food Sensitivities.  Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease have been linked to IgG food reactions. Research has shown that elimination of IgG reactive foods can alleviate IBS symptoms.

Talk to your healthcare professional about other lifestyle changes and testing options available to you to help prevent and alleviate your digestive issues.

If you have any questions feel free to email Dr. Elton Clemence at the clinic at www.family1stchiro.ca or call us at 403-347-3261 for consultation and to set up a time to have your spine and nervous system checked.