Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Gut Health and Probiotics

Gut Health and Probiotics

2,500 years ago, ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said that ‘all disease begins in the gut’. Whilst we’ve since proven that isn’t strictly true, he was certainly onto something. Most people generally have a basic-to-good understanding of the relationship between good/bad nutrition, gut health, and overall health. What may surprise you, though, is how interlinked the gut and your mental health are.

 Your gut influences around 70% of our immune system function, and 95% of our body’s serotonin is produced there too (this is the ‘happy’ hormone). If you’re eating a poor diet which is low in essential micro- and macro-nutrients such as probiotics, prebiotics and fibre, your gut biome will be disrupted, and so will all of the systems it supports. You’re likely to be more prone to sickness due to lowered immune system, and more mood and stress due to suppressed serotonin production. You’re also more likely to overreact to more nutrient-scarce food.

You are a walking, talking, microbial ecosystem. Bet you’ve never heard that one before, but it’s true! Our bodies are host to trillions of microbes, fungi and viruses living all over you both inside and out, in every nook and cranny – they actually outnumber your human cells 3 to 1. One of the most crucial colonies of microbes in our bodies lives within our gut; this is called the ‘microbiome’ or ‘microbiota’, and it helps to control your blood sugar, cholesterol, metabolism, absorption of nutrients, influences your bone strength, and supports your immune system. This microbiome is delicately balanced for gut health, but it is also super sensitive to change, disruption and imbalance.
The gut has been called ‘the second brain’, due to how closely it is linked to a wider physiology and the influence it has over it. This is in large part due to the positioning of the Vagus nerve, which run the entire length of your spine from brain to gut (this is one of the central nerves that chiropractic works to release tension on and improve communication across, too!). The neurons in our digestive systems exist in close proximity to these nerves, meaning that they are prone to influence our emotional state and vice versa. The most common example of this is the effect that stress has on the body. The ‘fight or flight’ response to stress, and all of the physiological reactions involved within that response, directly affects your microbiome and how well your gut works, which can trigger bowel issues. Such as people who suffer from IBS find that stress and/or anxiety.

So, whilst all disease may not begin in the gut, the gut certainly is very central to many of your bodily processes. Usually when something is going on in your body, your gut will be one of the first places to let you know about it. This also works in reverse; disrupting the natural balance of microbiota can have knock-on health and well being effects throughout the body. This is even true of the microbiota on your skin and elsewhere in and on your body. Important microbes can be affected by overusing antibiotics, hand sanitizers, bad diets and general ‘Western’ lifestyles.
The takeaway from this? It’s of equal importance to take excellent care of both your gut and your mental health, as they coexist in symbiosis. You cannot affect one without the other experiencing disruption.

Here are some food groups you should pay attention to in order to keep your gut in healthy balance.

Where to get it: We have our own dairy and soy free product of Pure Probiotics 123 in powder, or Encapsulated. You will get probiotics from Yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha.
Probiotics support your immune system and contribute to the health of your guts microbiome.

Where to get it: Onion, garlic, leeks, chicory, Jerusalem artichokes (prebiotic king), bananas, asparagus, olives, plums, apples, bran, and almonds.
Prebiotics stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It’s important to maintain a good balance of pro- and prebiotics, as they function in tandem with one another. Eating too much of one and neglecting the other can upset your gut (we told you it was sensitive!)

Fibre: Where to get it: fruit and vegetables, whole grains, pulses, beans and oats.
Health experts are constantly banging on about fibre, but for good reason. Fibre slows down the breakdown of sugars found in carbohydrates, which helps to stabilise your energy levels. It also helps the absorption of water in the gut so that it keeps the bowel moving at a healthy pace (which, by the way, should be at least once a day). You should be getting at least 30g of fibre a day from a variety of sources, as there are different types of fibre which hold different properties within your gut.

Cruciferous vegetables

Where to get it: Broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, cabbage, turnips, collards, kale, bok choy.
Cruciferous vegetables (brassicas) contain sulforaphane, which is a plant chemical currently being investigated for its anti-inflammatory properties.

For more information on gut health, or to schedule an appointment, please contact Family First Chiropractic and Wellness.

Dr. Elton Clemence is a Chiropractor at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, located In Red Deer, AB 142 Erickson Dr ,www.family1stchiro.ca 403-347-3261 to book an appointment.

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