this your child?
Fights to be put into the car seat
Screams constantly in the car
Screams when the vehicle stops at a light
Spits up in the car seat
Your child seems panicked and overwhelmed
You avoid going anywhere because of the

There are three areas we look at when a child has issues in
the car seat.
1 Sensory overload to this child. Does the motion,
vibration, or acceleration/deceleration cause vestibular issues like motion
sickness or dizziness? The child may be having visual disturbances as the world
whizzes by them.
Spine misalignments or subluxations cause pain
and irritate the nervous system when in the car seat. Often we find what
chiropractors call subluxations in the upper neck, lower neck, low back and
pelvis. This may be causing the child neck or back pain, numbness or discomfort
when strapped into the car seat.
A retained active Moro Reflex. This reflex is
called the startle reflex and in some children can be overactive and cause a
fearful, scared, stress type of reaction. This reflex should not be active
after four months and may be overactive in some infants under four months of
age. The child cannot self-sooth in the car seat causing the child to exhibit
distress by screaming and crying.
what can parents do?
Tummy time at least 1 hour a day- this can be
broken up into 10-15 min increments. Tummy time develops the vestibular system,
and nervous system and children need to have the stimulated to develop
See my previous blog post on tummy time.
Get your child's primitive reflexes assessed by
a pediatric chiropractor and work with them on specific exercises for your
Get your child's spine assessed and adjusted by
a pediatric chiropractor. They are experts in determining issues in your
child's spine and nervous system and removing any nervous interference,
enhancing your child's life.
Dr. Joelle Johnson has been in practice since 1999 and
completed her ICPA certification in 2001. She has many years of experience
working with infants and children in Central Alberta located at Family First
Chiropractic 142 Erickson Drive. 403-347.3261. Follow us
on Instagram, Blogger, and Facebook for information on you and your child's
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