Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A closer look at Whiplash...

Let's look into Whiplash a little more.

When you think of whiplash, most people immediately think "car accident." But a fall or many types of repetitive movement may also cause whiplash. Sometimes the symptoms from whiplash take days or even weeks to manifest themselves, but the damage it causes can last for years.

What exactly is whiplash?

It's a condition in which the joints in the back of the neck, joints that usually slide easily over one another, are forced together, causing damage to the nerves, discs, ligaments and muscles all around them.

What are the symptoms?

Generally, these include headaches, dizziness, neck and arm pain, decreased attention span, an inability to focus and fatigue. These symptoms can be both very painful and downright debilitating to the whiplash sufferer.

It helps to visit one of our member chiropractors immediately for a thorough examination if you have been involved in an accident and suspect that you might be the victim of a whiplash injury. The earlier you establish the proper intervention, via chiropractic adjustments, the better your chances for a full recovery.

Help for old injuries

Of course, chiropractic adjustments also help older whiplash injuries, but recovery is usually slower and care during the acute phase generally takes longer.

We manage whiplash injuries with careful and precise neck adjustments, sometimes ice and rehabilitative exercises that are designed to address the injured neck and shoulder muscles and joints. This has been shown to be very effective in managing the symptoms of whiplash, particularly the headaches that often accompany this type of injury.

Don't wait any longer to experience relief from an old or new injury. Contact one of our member chiropractors today!

You can visit Dr. Elton at Family First Chiropractic at 142 Erickson Drive in Red Deer, AB. Tel: (403)347-3261 www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Drink up your daily water!

   This is the most vital nutrient, we are about 70% water, the IVD (Intervertebral disc) is 90% H2O.Water is the largest single component of the body.
 We need to drink 8 – 10 ten ounce glasses per day (2L bottle size) or half your body weight in ounces per day so 100 pounds= 50 ounces per day.
  Muscles and viscera (organs) have the highest concentration of water, calcified areas (bones) have the lowest concentration.
   Water is needed for:
  1. cell function and structure
  2. medium for all reactions
  3. digestion
  4. secretion
  5. circulation, transports nutrients
  6.  maintains body temperature                   


Dr. Joelle Johnson is located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness in Red Deer, 142 Erickson drive. 403-347-3261

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Why should I have CranioSacral Therapy?

Why should I have CranioSacral Therapy?

All of our lives are very busy.  We do not have a lot of time for others, much less ourselves. Here are some good reasons to find the time for ourselves to heal and to start to enjoy our life more.  

  1. Some people come because they feel as though they aren’t coping and that life is very difficult. CranioSacral Therapy can often be a last resort after many years of struggle.
          2.      Some people come because they have long standing health issues which make it very difficult to cope.           CranioSacral Therapy can help relieve the emotional and physical side-effects of living with long term             illness or pain and can support the body in its natural movement towards health

  1. Some people come because they have experienced traumatic events that they cannot move past. CranioSacral Therapy is a very safe, gentle and effective way of treating trauma and post-traumatic states.
  2. Some people come because they are incredibly stressed and anxious and can’t seem to find any relief from a very busy mind. CranioSacral Therapy is especially good at encouraging a very deep sense of stillness allowing the mind slow down and rest. Many people say they sleep very well after a craniosacral treatment.
  3. Some people come because they just need to be held and listened to. The most important thing a CranioSacral Therapist does is to simply be present for the client and hold the therapeutic space allowing the client’s process to unfold naturally.

Jeanette works at the clinic at 142 Erickson Drive Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. Give us a call to book your appointment (403)347-3261 or visit our website to learn more www.family1stchiro.ca