Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Pediatric Posture Epidemic Part 2 of 3

Pediatric Posture Epidemic Part 2 of 3

Welcome back to Part 2 of 3 of the pediatric posture epidemic. Now more than ever we need to move. We have a decline in healthy posture at the speed of technology. Children and adults are showing poorer posture. This posture is the forward head tilt with an increased mid-back curve called a hyperkyphosis.
Most hyperkyphosis posture is postural; however, some are structural. When your trunk flexes forward you have poor balance; this imbalance decreases your ability to regulate movement properly. You will have a slower gait and a wider stance causing poor coordination and balance. I strongly recommend no tech under two and school-age children a maximum of 1 hour per day. Our children are developing their nervous system and spines with technology and are the first generation to have this from birth. Previous generations have developed their posture and nervous system before technology. We need children to spend at least 2 hours a day physically playing, which activates their vestibular and nervous system.

Posture Rehabilitation Exercises:
1. Stand Straight with your back against the wall with your heels buttocks, shoulder blades, and head against the wall. Have your head in a neutral position, not tipped up or down. Press you head straight into the wall hold for 10 seconds and five reps per day
2. Posture Angels: Stand with your back against the wall with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, and head against the wall. Have your head in a neutral position, not tipped up or down. Move your arms from your sides, to over your head without taking them off the wall. Do 10 per day.

3. The 'Titanic': Stand straight extend your arms behind you contracting your shoulder blades, extend your hear up and back looking at the ceiling, hold for 30 seconds. Do this for every 45 min to an hour that you are as a computer or device
4. Superman Extensions: Lay on your stomach, raise your head, raise your arms in front and raise your legs at the same time, hold for 30 sec 5 reps per day

5. Backward Ball Stretch: Lay backward over a gym ball with arms up over the head, hold and breathe into it.

Here is the link to the Blog 1 LINK TO PART ONE:

Dr. Joelle Johnson practices at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca 403-347-3261

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