Massage Therapy has some pretty amazing benefits,
not only does it have a sedative, stimulating or even exhausting effect on the
nervous system depending on the type and length of massage. It also stretches
connective tissue ,improves it's circulation and nutrition and so breaks down or
prevents the formation of adhesion and reduces the danger of fibrosis.
doesn't stop there. It increases the number of blood cells, especially in cases of anemia. It is a wonderful
"mechanical cleanser" as I would like to put it. Stimulating lymph
circulation and hastening the elimination of wastes and toxic debris.
someone looking to reduce stress and have an experience to restore balance for
the body and mind, make sure to book in for a 30 min 60 min or 90 min massage!
Massage available at Family First Chiropractic, 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer, Alberta. 403-347-3261.

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