Starting in the first trimester with being tired, possibly sick, with all the flood of emotions and hormones, it is always a great idea to take some time for yourself, and get any kinks worked out that you may have been neglecting :) During your pregnancy there are many different options for being comfortable on a massage table, pillows (side laying), special pregnancy pillows that allow you to face down, some places also have a special table that allows you to lay face down as well! When you are working with a registered massage therapist you can guarantee you and your baby are in the best hands.
As a mother of one and one on the way, I have suffered from headaches in both pregnancies, prenatal massage and chiropractic are the only things that have helped me. With trying to avoid pharmaceuticals during pregnancy and breastfeeding, massage seemed like the best solution. For any skeptics, I have been on both the giving and receiving end of prenatal massage, and the therapist that is working on you as a pregnant women know the areas of your body to avoid each trimester and as soon as you are uncomfortable, or uneasy the massage either ends, or pillows are re-arranged. Never assume that being uncomfortable, hot, or uneasy is ok. You are the judge of your massage, never let anyone tell you otherwise. Mommies know best.
Be prepared for your therapist to avoid deep pressure or some places all together. Most therapists will avoid ankle area, and use less pressure in the hip/back area (depending on gestation time). The ankle area is avoided during pregnancy because of a common misconception that mother to be can be put into labour prematurely. Unless you as a person have a high possibility of miscarriage, or your body is ready to go into labour, an ankle or foot massage wont do anything more than make mommas tired feet feel good. Lower back in the first trimester isn't avoided unless you have a high miscarriage possibility, or are a high risk patient.
Sciatic pain, sore feet and headaches can all be drastically reduced with the help of a massage therapist that you feel comfortable with. Soothing music, long rhythmic massage strokes, and a serene atmosphere are all things that can help make your tired muscles melt away. Working out aches and pains will help your pregnancy start out in the best way possible and keep you mostly pain free through out. A happy mommy is a happy baby! Finding time for yourself can be hard, but take my word for it, it is so worth it in the end.
Vanessa Wood practices at Family First Chiropractic, located 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer. T4R 2C3
www.family1stchiro.ca 403-347-3261
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