The value of a
good night sleep goes far beyond the price of a new mattress. Here are some
things to consider when purchasing a mattress. Your back will thanks you!
How well did you sleep through the week?
Quality of sleep has definite
impact on quality of life, interactions socially or with family, and most
importantly your general mood. Sleep deprivation is not only lack of sleep. It
is also the quality of sleep throughout the night. Waking up every couple of
hours effects the quality of sleep. At the work place Sleep deprivation can
lead to decreased productivity, increased sick days, and increased risk of
injury due to poor response time and accuracy.
Back pain can also be
attributed to a poor night’s sleep. British Chiropractic Association (BCA)
study in 2011 reported that 41% woman and 36% men claimed that back pain
contributed to their back lack of sleep. If you’re consistently woken up with
neck and/or back pain? You want to examine the quality of your mattress. The
average night’s sleep is eight hours (one third of a day), one sleeps for one
third of one’s life. If you life, say, 75 years, that’s 25 years asleep, or
9,125 days. This clearly is a reason why your mattress plays such an important
role in maintaining your musculoskeletal (MSK) health. Here are some Tid Bits
when purchasing a new mattress.
1 – Beds tend to deteriorate after ten years. So, if you
are waking up with a sore neck or back on repeated occasions, and mattress is
over ten years old, consider buying a new mattress.
2 – Chronic low back pain. Medium – firm mattress are
better when compared to soft mattresses. Studies show that the quality of sleep
can improve by 55% and back pain decrease by 48%.
3 – Adjustable beds, according to an individual preference,
can be associated with quality of sleep.
4 – Mattresses that promote skin warming may improve the
quality of sleep by reducing early morning awakening and enhancing a deeper
5 – Soft mattresses decrease excessive compression forces on
your joints. However, mattresses that are firm help maintain proper posture.
Keep in mind that each
individual has a different body type. Saying this, take the time to try out the
bed before buying and see if it’s right for you. Make sure you explore all the
options and do the research to meet your specific needs. A good night’s sleep
will ensure you can continue your daily activities and quality of life.
Consider these tips before your purchase of your next mattress. Your back
depends on it.
Dr. Elton Clemence D.C.
Dr. Elton Clemence practices
at Family First Chiropractic, located at 142 Erickson Dr in Red Deer, Ab. Cal us today to book an appointment
403-347-3261 or visit us at