Many women are seeking ways into reduce discomforts and pain
in pregnancy, and many utilize chiropractic care for this. Babies will go into
a head down position 28-32 weeks changing the discomforts of mother and
possible pain patterns she has been experiencing. Many women experience more
pelvic pressure at this time from the baby’s head on the perineum.
When baby is in a non-optimal position it can cause a
different pain complaints for mom. For example a backwards/posterior baby OP
will cause more sacral and low back pain, shortness of breath and pubic pain
such as SPD (symphysis pubic dysfunction) and groin pain or numbness. A
sideways or OT presentation will cause more hip, groin, sciatic, bursitis and one
sided pubic bone pain for mother.
Many women are diagnosed in their last trimester with
sciatica, SPD and PGP (pelvic girdle pain) at this time. The examination and
diagnosis give chiropractors clues to
how the baby is positioned and mothers pelvic subluxation and mal-alignment
patterns. As chiropractors we can then can adjust the spine, sacrum, pelvis ,
low back, pubic bone, and hips to assist baby in getting into OPF Optimal Fetal
Certifications and experience in the Webster technique will
enable the experienced chiropractor to give specific adjustments to mother
affecting her pelvis and opening up room for baby to get into a better birth
position. The adjustments to the sacrum and spine will also increase proper
nervous system function to the uterine and perineum muscles.

A ROA, or LOA position is the OFP for birth so having ‘baby
head down’ is only part of the birth process, the spine needs to be anterior
(forward) and chin tucked in for an easy birth form mother and baby. When baby
is not in this position prior to labour then mother and baby will have a
longer, slower, and more painful or difficutl birth. When mothers are aware of
the position of baby she can then do specific exercises and home care to assist
movement of the baby prior to the onset of labour. Your prenatal chiropractor
can assist in guiding these exercises and strengthening .
To book an appointment or to get more information please
call Dr. Joelle Johnson who has been a member of the ICPA since 1999 and
certified and very experienced in the
Webster technique and the Gardner-Bagnell since 2000 and 2008 . 403-347-3261 located at 142
Erickson Drive in Red Deer.