Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Chiropractic and Sleep Issues

Chiropractic and Sleep Issues

Sleep problems can be defined in 3 different ways:  insomnia, disturbed sleep, and restless sleep.  Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep.  Disturbed sleep is the inability to stay asleep for a full night’s rest.  Restless sleep is when you can fall asleep and stay asleep, but the quality of sleep isn't good.  The end result of any of these types of sleep problems is that you wake up tired, or even exhausted.

Poor sleep, especially if it’s chronic can manifest in many ways:
  • slower healing from injuries or disease
  • inefficient or ineffective functioning throughout the day
  • impaired social relations
  • increased pain sensitivity
  • weakened immunity
  • reduced mental acuity; poor memory
  • irrational logic or behavior
  • clumsiness, poorer coordination
  • irritability and hypersensitivity
Sleep issues rarely occur independently.  They are usually secondary to other, perhaps greater, issues.  Just like the vertebral subluxation complexes (VSCs) that chiropractors detect and correct for in their treatments, sleep issues can have physical, mental or chemical causes.  The causes can also be subdivided into external or internal factors.

Physical causes of sleep problems are those that affect the body in terms of discomfort or pain. 

External Physical Causes:
  • poor sleeping conditions (bed, pillow)
  • irritating lights, noises, odors
  • bedmates moving around
Internal Physical Causes:
  • pain inside the body (backache, shoulder pain)
  • organ dysfunction (waking to urinate, sleep apnea)
When your mind can’t relax enough to fall asleep or to get enough deep sleep, this is characterized as a mental cause of sleep problems.

External Mental Causes:
  • disturbed body clock from shift work, irregular sleep schedules
  • ignoring sleep cues by watching TV, using the computer, etc
Internal Mental Causes:
  • stress, worry, thinking too much
  • over excitement, over fatigue
  • depression, mental disorders
  • dreaming too much, or nightmares
Sometimes the hardest causes to pinpoint are those that are electrochemical in nature.  These can alter body chemistry, enzyme functioning, and electric activity in the body.

External Electrochemical Causes:
  • medications and foods, stimulants
  • chemical irritants, off-gassing
  • electromagnetic fields from smart meters, hydro power lines, electronic devices
Internal Electrochemical Causes:
  • chemical imbalance from hormonal changes, disease processes
  • electrical imbalance along acupuncture meridians

When it comes to sleep issues, wellness chiropractors follow a five-step approach to helping patients.

  1. Listen.  We listen to patients to see if the case history can uncover the underlying cause(s) of the sleep issues, and whether it is physical, mental or electrochemical. 
  2. Simple Steps First.  If there are simple changes a patient can do to discontinue the cause(s) of the sleep issues, we will bring these up.  Most commonly it is addressing habits like sleep routines, sleep location, diet, and exercise.
  3. Chiropractic Examination.  This is especially important for chronic sleep issues, because the same stressors that result in sleep problems also cause Vertebral Subluxation Complexes (VSCs).  VSCs occur when stressors become embedded in the spine and create problems in the body’s ability to take care of itself.  These problems can manifest as pain, dysfunction, hypersensitivity and impaired healing. 
  4. Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments if Indicated.  Specific chiropractic adjustments can undo VSCs, allowing for better nerve transmission, resulting in more effective brain functioning, organ functioning and healing.  An adjustment to the upper neck area (C1 in particular) has the most direct impact on the sleep center in the brain stem.  Other areas that may need help are those related to the area of pain, malfunctioning organs, compensatory areas, and perhaps elsewhere whose connection may not be fully understood at the time.  The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to help the body function the best it can, to improve the internal condition of the body, and to improve the resilience of the body (and mind) to external stressors.
  5. Keep in Mind the Bigger Picture.  As holistic health practitioners, chiropractors keep an open mind that some causes cannot be easily avoided or resolved, even with an optimally functioning nervous system.  Some patients need to consult with other health professionals to overcome or manage challenges affecting their sleep, such as acupuncturists, counselors, medical doctors, or massage therapists.  Other patients need the support of family, friends, or social services. 

For those who are suffering from sleep problems, there is hope.  It may take more than one type of health professional to get to the root of the problem and change it, and it may take some time and effort, but better sleep is possible.  If what you've tried isn't helping, be open to other options out there.  To find out if chiropractic care may be right for you, please call Dr. Clemence's office for a complimentary consultation. Family First Chiropractic 403-347-3261. Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Why have Craniosacral Therapy

Why have CranioSacral Therapy?
  1. Some people come because they feel as though they aren’t coping and that life is very difficult. CranioSacral Therapy can often be a last resort after many years of struggle.
2.      Some people come because they have long standing health issues which make it very difficult to cope. CranioSacral Therapy can help relieve the emotional and physical side-effects of living with long term illness or pain and can support the body in its natural movement towards health.

  1. Some people come because they have experienced traumatic events that they cannot move past. CranioSacral Therapy is a very safe, gentle and effective way of treating trauma and post-traumatic states.
  2. Some people come because they are incredibly stressed and anxious and can’t seem to find any relief from a very busy mind. CranioSacral Therapy is especially good at encouraging a very deep sense of stillness allowing the mind slow down and rest. Many people say they sleep very well after a craniosacral treatment.
  3. Some people come because they just need to be held and listened to. The most important thing a CranioSacral Therapist does is to simply be present for the client and hold the therapeutic space allowing the client’s process to unfold naturally.
Jeannette Raskin is here at Family First Chiropractic on Wednesdays and Saturdays. To book an appointment with her call us at 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CranioSacral Therapy

              CranioSacral Therapy
Now that a new school year has started and we are getting back into a regular schedule we need to start thinking about how we can help our children do their best this school year.

CranioSacral Therapy, like most other formal and complementary treatments is never successful in 100% of cases. However, the following gives some idea of the degree of success in certain situations:

· Dr. John Upledger's research has found that 50 – 60% of hyperactive child problems originate in the CranioSacral system and can be treated successfully with CST.

· Learning disabilities and dyslexia – again 50-60% of problems can be effectively treated with CST if the problem is caused by a malfunction of the CranioSacral system.

· Autism. Three years of intensive research with autistic children in the late 1970’s revealed significant reduction in self-destructive behaviour and improvement in displays of affection and social interaction. These improvements, however, usually deteriorated in 3-6 months after the CranioSacral Therapy treatment discontinued.

Jeannette Raskin C.S.T is at Family First Chiropractic on Wed and Sat. To book an appointment with  her call us at 403-347-3261. www.family1stchiro.ca 142 Erickson Dr Red Deer

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Preventing Stress Through Chiropractic

Preventing Stress through Chiropractic

Preventing Stress through Chiropractic for most people, preventing stress can be very tough. This life is filled with stress-generating situations that can easily weigh people down. If you are not careful, you might become one of them. According to statistics, all people have experienced being stressed at least once in their lifetime. Of course, not all stress is bad but instead helpful because it can develop character and better outlook in life. But when stress becomes chronic, diseases and illnesses may happen. This is the main reason that preventing stress is very important. Good thing that modern life gives us more ways to decrease stress level and one of these is chiropractic. Chiropractic is the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous system. For many people, they view chiropractic as a means for healing. This is true but not entirely. Chiropractic is basically concern for health promotion. A patient can visit his or her chiropractic even if there is no actual disease process. There are many ways that chiropractic can be a means in preventing stress. At your first visit in a chiropractic clinic, the chiropractor will have to assess you physically through the use of systematic procedures. 

The chiropractor will also make an interview to identify risk factors and contributing factors that might aggravate your stress level. In some cases, if the patient has physical complaints then the chiropractor may order diagnostic procedures and laboratory exams. All these will help determine the best possible course of treatment for the patient. After the chiropractor has created an action plan, it is time for implementation. The primary technique that a chiropractor can do is spinal manipulation. This technique can be both a preventive measure to avoid development of diseases or it can be a means of healing. During session, the chiropractor will maneuver the spine within a certain range of motion in an attempt to establish proper alignment of the spine. Put in mind that there are many benefits can be derived from spinal manipulation. First and foremost, the spine is recognized as one of the most crucial pieces of health and wellness, not only it supports the body but it also helps in protecting the spinal cord. Every second, there are millions of neural impulses that travel to and from the brain.

 The smooth travel of these impulses is vital in preventing stress. If the spinal column and spinal cord is healthy, the nervous system can work at its top performance. Another way that chiropractic can help prevent stress is massage. Stimulating the muscles and soft tissues can free the body from stress. There is a vast majority of people who availed of the services of a chiropractor can attest to the relaxing experience they have during chiropractic session. There are also other chiropractic techniques that can be used to alleviate stress such as soft needling technique, therapeutic exercise, electro-physiotherapy, and many others. Furthermore, a chiropractor can formulate health teaching, lifestyle modification, and diet for the patient. All these can be instrumental in preventing stress. - See more at: http://thechiroblog.com/preventing-stress-through-chiropractic/#sthash.TKRP1jV9.dpuf

Dr Elton Clemence is our newest chiropractor and he is accepting new patients. 403-347-3261 Family First Chiropractic. 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What do Medical Practioners Think of CranioSacral Therapy?

What do Medical Practitioners Think of CranioSacral Therapy?

Like most complementary therapies, mainstream medical practitioners have a wide variety of opinions when it comes to CranioSacral Therapy.
I have found, however, that General Practitioners and some Dentists have regularly recommended clients with conditions such as pregnancy discomfort, back pain, headaches, baby colic and other specific conditions. Often conditions that they feel cannot be improved upon by more mainstream medical intervention.

Where CranioSacral Therapy Proves Effective.
In many of these cases, CranioSacral Therapy has proven effective where the other avenues have been exhausted. Many Medical Practitioners seem to recognize the therapy as a gentle, non-invasive therapy that can do a lot of good – and as being especially effective for particular conditions.

When Doctors become more acquainted with the practice and results around CranioSacral Therapy, they recognize that it assists the body as opposed to other treatments where a “correction” may be forced on the patient.

Healthcare practitioners often recommend CranioSacral Therapy as part
of a complementary approach to wellness. 

To book an appointment with Jeannette Raskin, Call 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer, AB

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Kids and Lack of Exercise

Kids and Lack of Exercise
Kids are generally very active from birth as their bodies and minds are rapidly growing and developing. They struggle to learn to crawl then walk then run in the first year of their lives. They love to explore, play and build things in their toddler years as their mind and nervous system develops. When you think about it, it is totally amazing realizing the development and learning abilities of a young child. Vigorous physical activity fuels the development of the body and mind.
Physical activity in Canadian children & youth
Young children in our western society have so much electronic influence that at a very young age, media such as video games, television, handheld electronics and other things take the place of physical activity. Studies have shown that kids of 3-4 years of age get 84% of their recommended physical activity. This number drops dramatically to only 7% for the age group between 5 and 11 years old then drops even lower to only 4% for 12 to 17 year olds. This results in child obesity and health problems for children due to a lack of activity and exercise.
Make a commitment as parents to reduce the screen time of your kids. Find physical activities that your kids enjoy doing or chores that need to get done. This could include a wide range of activities ranging from walking, soccer, bike rides, skateboarding, bowling, swimming, skiing, skating, hockey, dancing, hiking, mountain climbing, baseball, playing at the park, weight training, vacuuming, washing the floor or car and the list goes on. 
Keep your kids active and in shape. Maintaining the proper alignment of their spine is important as well to ensure maximum enjoyment of their physical activities. Call us today to keep your kids on the path to great health.

Dr. Joelle Johnson is located at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness located at 142 Erickson Drive. 403-347-3261 to book an appointment today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

CranioSacral Therapy and Women

CranioSacral Therapy and Women

One of the greatest benefits of CranioSacral therapy is its effectiveness in dealing with the many natural cycles, conditions and related complications that we women go through as we journey through life.
Conditions such as:
·         Puberty.
·         Attempting to get pregnant.
·         Pregnancy.
·         Pregnancy and birth complications.
·         Infant and toddler care and nurturing.
·         Menopause.
·         Conditions attached to later in life.
It is also in the area of Women's Health that conventional medicine and complementary health approaches are often found working side-by-side.
It is interesting to note that I notice the following:
  • The majority of people who make health decisions in the households tend to be the women (booking children, husbands for treatments).
  • While women are very happy to put enormous time and energy into looking after others (their unborn children when pregnant, baby infants, toddlers, children, Husbands/partners) - they seem to put themselves last in line when it comes to good old preventative and early treatment of many ailments!
I feel it is important for women to learn to take better care of themselves.

Working with CranioSacral Therapy myself over the last number of years has helped me to get more in touch with my own natural health rhythm - and I have found that while many of my female clients may have come for a specific ailment - over time they start to listen more to their own body and learn just what it needs to get back to health and stay there for the long term.

Craniosacral Therapist, Jeannette Raskin C.S.T is in on Wed evenings and Sat. www.family1stchiro.ca. To schedule an appointment call 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr Red Deer AB

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Benefits of Massage Therapy.

Relieves Stress

Encourages Relaxation

Improve Posture

Improve Circulation

Relaxes Muscles

Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion

Promote Deeper and Easier Breathing

Relieves Headaches

Strengthens the Immune System

Improve Rehabilitation After Injury

Manage Pain of Chronic Conditions



Back Pain

Neck Pain

Massage for Depression

Massage for Anxiety

Massage for Insomnia

Guy Lacoursiere R.M.T is at Family First Chiropractic on Tuesdays and Fridays. To book an appointment with her call 403-347-3261. 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer. www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Military Low Back Study

Military Low Back Study

Military Military Low Back Study- Chiropractic treatment far superior to Medical treatment alone.-Back Pain Study

In a low-back pain study led by the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research, 73 percent of those who received standard medical care and chiropractic care rated their improvement as pain "completely gone," "much better" or "moderately better." In comparison, 17 percent of participants who received only standard medical care rated their improvement this way.

These results are considered both clinically and statistically significant. This pilot study was conducted at an Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas, with 91 active-duty military personnel between the ages of 18 and 35.

It's exciting not only because of the significant results but also because it led to Palmer College, the RAND Corporation and Samueli Institute receiving a $7.4 million, four-year grant from the Department of Defense. This grant is currently being used to conduct the largest multi-site clinical trial on chiropractic to date, with a total sample size of 750 active-duty military personnel.”

This and future studies will show chiropractic care is an important part of your health care team. Sometimes chiropractic care can be superior to medical care alone, especially for musculoskeletal problems.

Dr Kelly is located at Family First Chiropractic and are open Mon-Sat. Call 403-347-3261 to book an appointment. 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Water Sports, Kids, and Injuries

Water Sports, Kids and Injuries
Summer time is here! Kids love to enjoy the hot weather near water whether it’s in the backyard on a slip and slide, at the pool, spray park or down by the lake or near the river. Along with the fun enjoyed by the youngsters comes slips and falls and the resulting injuries can include head and neck pain, lowback pain  and whiplash.
Many of these injuries are preventable by avoiding running near wet poolsides or on diving boards, for example. Surfaces that are constantly wet should have a gritty texture to improve traction.

Inevitably, kids will be kids and their enthusiasm will ultimately lead to injuries from time to time. Your friendly chiropractor can help your child get back to enjoying the pool and warm sun by adjusting your child’s neck and back to alleviate any spinal problems incurred by slips and falls. Dr. Joelle Johnson of Family First chiropractic and wellness has extensive training in pediatric chiropractic and is a member if the ICPA. The clinic is located at 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261 to book your children in today. www.family1stchiro.ca 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Conditions Unsuitable for CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy: Are there Conditions for which it is Unsuitable?

The short answer is yes. There are conditions for which CranioSacral Therapy is unsuitable. Although, one of the things that attracted me to CranioSacral Therapy was the wide range of conditions it can treat – conditions such as sinusitis, infant colic, tinnitus, migraine etc., as well as the range of ongoing natural and medical conditions that it supports very effectively such as pregnancy care, chronic pain, cerebral palsy as well as other specific conditions.

However, the following conditions make the use of CranioSacral Therapy unsuitable:

·         Recent skull fractures – for example if you have been recently involved in an accident and there has been serious head trauma (intracranial pressure).

·         If a stroke (including acute haemorrhage) has occurred inside the last 6 months. If the condition has been stable for at least six months, then CranioSacral Therapy can be very beneficial.

·         If there has been any recent leaking of the spinal fluid

  • (Due to lumbar puncture etc.). However, once the situation has stabilised and your doctor has given the ok, CranioSacral Therapy is a very effective treatment aid to healing in this area.
  • Any swelling in the blood vessels of the head (acute cerebral aneurysms.)
Jeannette is in Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. To book an appointment with her call 403-347-3261 Family First Chiropractic 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer . AB T4R 2C3 www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Deep Tissue Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

Deep Tissue Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

Deep tissue massage can be used to help treat multiple sports-related injuries. One such injury, commonly found in runners, is plantar fasciitis.

There is a thick connective tissue that runs the entire length of the bottom of the human foot. It starts on the five toes and extends to the bottom of the heel. This tissue is known as the plantar fascia. While running, runners land on the heel of the foot and then raise themselves on the toes before shifting the weight to the other foot. This causes the plantar fascia to come under strain, and when the strain becomes too much, the plantar fascia is likely to tear. Even if there is no tearing, the strain can be felt and is an indication of plantar fasciitis. Mountain climbers, aerobics practitioners, and hikers can also become afflicted by plantar fasciitis due to constant strain on the planar fascia.

One of the best ways to start treatment for planar fasciitis is to cease from the activity that is causing the pain, albeit running, jogging, cycling, climbing, or aerobics. Footwear should be such that gives more support even though it may be stiffer. Arch supports can also help reduce the pain, and it is said that stretching the calf muscles also affords some relief. Icing the area for about a quarter of an hour every day can also help. Once initial recovery is made, patients should consider a more aggressive form of treatment such as deep tissue massage.

Deep tissue massage is applied by using deep finger pressure on the fascia, Achilles heel, and calf muscles through slow strokes. The muscle fibers can be followed or pressure can be applied across tendons. Deep tissue massage can help to release the muscle tension, break scar tissue, and lead to its elimination. Deep tissue massage concentrates on specific areas, and it is likely that the patient may feel some soreness before and after the massage.

However, results are definite and can be felt within just a couple of days following treatment. Deep tissue massage loosens muscle tissue, removes muscle toxins, and ensures proper circulation of blood and oxygen to the injured area. Deep tissue massage works because it physically breaks down the adhesions that are formed by tissues in the muscles caused by over exertion or strain.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Natural Bug Spray

Natural Bug Spray.
The weather is nice and many of you are outside enjoying life. When you are outside those pesky mosquitos are probably out as well. I found some great homemade natural bug spray so you can avoid the chemicals.

Carriers to add to your essential oils include:
Distilled water, Young Living V-6 carrier oil, coconut oil, olive oil, witch hazel, or aloe vera gel

1. All Natural Bug Spray Recipe

10 drops citronella essential oil oil

5 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops lemongrass essential oil

5 drops eucalyptus globulus essential oil

1 oz. of witch hazel extract

Put essential oils in an empty spray bottle. Add your favorite carrier (as listed above). Shake well and spray on as needed.

2. All Natural Bug Spray Recipe

10 drops purification essential oil

5 drops lemongrass essential oil

5 drops peppermint essential oil

5 drops melaleuca alternifolia essential oil

1 oz. V-6 carrier oil

Put essential oils in an empty spray bottle. Add the carrier oil. Shake well and spray on as needed.
3. All Natural Bug Spray Recipe

 5 drops thieves essential oil

5 drops lemon essential oil

5 drops purification essential oil

5 drops peppermint essential oil

5 drops lavender essential oil

1 oz. Distilled water

Put essential oils in an empty spray bottle. Add the carrier. Shake well and spray on as needed

Family First Chiropractic is open Monday-Saturday. Call 403-347-3261 Red Deer, AB T4R 2C3 www.family1stchiro.ca

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Toddlers and Pillow

When does my baby or toddler need to start using a pillow?

 Parents often ask us at our chiropractic clinic when is a child ready for a pillow and what kind of pillow is best to use. Pillows are generally not recommended for children under 2 years of age as small children can easily suffocate on soft fluffy pillows.

 Generally stay away from feathers which are too soft and may set off allergies. Children should not be given an adult pillow as it is too large for their neck and shoulders. Generally a soft flattish pillow firm pillow is recommended.

The best time to introduce a pillow is when you are transitioning your child to a bed. Once the child’s shoulders and wider than the head the child will be more comfortable sleeping with a pillow. Signs to observe that they are ready for a pillow: is the child resting their head on a stuffy? Is the child resting on a blanket scrunched up under their head? Are they trying out the older sibling’s pillow?

Toddler pillows are smaller than standard pillows with dimensions around 12 inches by 16 inches and a thickness of only 2-3 inches. The smaller pillows have less fabric and reduce the possibility of suffocation, look for dense pillows that are often made with foam and are hypoallergenic.

We carry 2 types of child pillows at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, a 2-5 year old pillow and a 5-12 year old pillow that is slightly larger.

·         Toddler: 2 to 5 years

·         Big Kids: 5 years & up


·         Let you toddler sleep on adult, queen or king pillows

·         Do not let them sleep on more than one pillow

·         Use feather/down pillows- they may cause suffocation and can contribute to allergies

Dr. Joelle Johnson practices at  Family First Chiropractic and Wellnes. We are located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer just off of Ross St. Call us for more information at 403-347-3261 or our website at www.family1stchiro.ca