Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why have CranioSacral therapy

Jeannette Raskin RMT,CST
Why have CranioSacral Therapy?

  1. Some people come because they feel as though they aren’t coping and that life is very difficult. CranioSacral Therapy can often be a last resort after many years of struggle.

2.      Some people come because they have long standing health issues which make it very difficult to cope. CranioSacral Therapy can help relieve the emotional and physical side-effects of living with long term illness or pain and can support the body in its natural movement towards health.
  1. Some people come because they have experienced traumatic events that they cannot move past. CranioSacral Therapy is a very safe, gentle and effective way of treating trauma and post-traumatic states.
  2. Some people come because they are incredibly stressed and anxious and can’t seem to find any relief from a very busy mind. CranioSacral Therapy is especially good at encouraging a very deep sense of stillness allowing the mind slow down and rest. Many people say they sleep very well after a craniosacral treatment.
  3. Some people come because they just need to be held and listened to. The most important thing a CranioSacral Therapist does is to simply be present for the client and hold the therapeutic space allowing the client’s process to unfold naturally.
Jeannette Raskin practices at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Dr. Red Deer
call 403-347-3261 to book an appointment today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chronic Stress and Lack of Relaxation Takes a Heavy Toll on Your Health
The classic definition of stress is "any real or imagined threat, and your body's response to it." Celebrations and tragedies alike can cause a stress response in your body. Some stress is unavoidable. Some mild forms of stress can even be helpful in some situations. But a stressor becomes a problem when:
·         Your response to it is negative.
·         Your feelings and emotions are inappropriate for the circumstances.
·         Your response lasts an excessively long time.
·         You're feeling continuously overwhelmed, overpowered or overworked.
It's important to realize that all your feelings create physiological changes. Your skin, heart rate, digestion and assimilation of food, joints, muscle energy levels, the hair on your head, and countless cells and systems you don't even know about change with every emotion. One of the major causes of subluxations of your spine is stress. This leads to pain/ headaches and dysfunction. While you cannot eliminate stress entirely, you can work to provide your body with tools to compensate for the bioelectrical short-circuiting caused by it. Regular chiropractic care can help this tremendously. Other helpful strategies that can help you deal with stress and unwind each day, include:
·         Exercise. Studies have shown that during exercise, tranquilizing chemicals (endorphins) are released in your brain. Exercise is a natural way to bring your body pleasurable relaxation and rejuvenation.
·         Proper sleep
·         Meditation
Family First Chiropractic and Wellness is located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer. 403-347-3261

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Healthy Lifestyle Includes Getting Proper Sleep

Good sleep is one of the cornerstones of health that should not be overlooked. Sleep deprivation prematurely ages you by interfering with your growth hormone production, normally released by your pituitary gland during deep sleep. Growth hormone helps you look and feel younger. But that's not all. Interrupted or impaired sleep can also:
·         Dramatically weaken your immune system
·         Accelerate tumor growth—tumors grow two to three times faster in laboratory animals with severe sleep dysfunctions
·         Cause a pre-diabetic state, making you feel hungry even if you've already eaten, which can wreak havoc on your weight.
·         Seriously impair your memory even a single night of poor sleep—meaning sleeping only 4 to 6 hours—can impact your ability to think clearly the next day and impair your performance on physical or mental tasks
One study has even shown that people with chronic insomnia have a three times greater risk of dying from any cause.

For more infor mation visit our website at about our clinic and practitioners, Family First Chiropractic and Wellness is located at 142 Erickson Drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

If you've ever been wondering if somebody will ever come up with some tricks for living a longer, happier, healthier life, there's good news: Read this, beginning with chronic inflammation..
Chronic inflammation is the source of many diseases, including cancer, obesity, and heart disease, which essentially makes it the leading cause of death in the U.S. and Canada.  To address that issue, Best Health offers a range of strategies that will help you live a longer, healthier life. The Importance of Combating Chronic InflammationInflammation is a normal and beneficial process that occurs when your body's white blood cells and chemicals protect you from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. You actually need some level of inflammation in your body to stay healthy, however it's also possible, and increasingly common, for the inflammatory response to get out of hand. If your immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response when no threat is present, it can lead to excess inflammation in your body, a condition linked to asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer and other diseases, depending on which organs the inflammation is impacting. Unfortunately, chronic inflammation typically will not produce symptoms until actual loss of function occurs somewhere. This is because chronic inflammation is low-grade and systemic, often silently damaging your tissues over an extended period of time. This process can go on for years without you noticing, until a disease suddenly sets in.Diet accounts for about 80 percent of the health benefits you reap from a healthful lifestyle, and keeping inflammation in check is a major part of these benefits. It's important to realize that dietary components can either trigger or prevent inflammation from taking root in your body. For example, whereas trans fats and sugar, particularly fructose, will increase inflammation, eating healthy fats such as animal-based omega-3 fats found in krill oil, or the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) will help to reduce them. If you have not already addressed your diet, this would be the best place to start, regardless of whether you're experiencing symptoms of chronic inflammation or not.  Diet is not the only component that will have a profound impact on your health and longevity. It's really about addressing your total lifestyle.
This information is brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson drive, Red Deer 403-347-3261

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Back to school shopping tips


To your kids, shopping for new clothes, gear, and school supplies may be the only good thing about going back to school, but that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune every year. Here are 10 great ideas for how to get everything they need and save a few bucks doing it.

Hold off buying trendier gear like lunch boxes and pencil cases. Kids may love a version they find in July, but once they start school and see that their friends are all using another kind, they'll beg you to upgrade them -- and that only results in wasted cash.

Shop end-of-summer sales. You know as well as we do that kids wear short sleeve polo shirts all year long, so hit the big summer sales and snap up discounted duds that can be worn well into fall.

Stick to The List. The teacher's supply list at the start of a new school year is daunting enough so don't waste time and money on unlisted items. Extra supplies, while they may be cute, will probably never get used and just leave your pockets empty.
Head to the supermarket for basic supplies. Check weekly circulars for great deals on pens and loose-leaf paper, and get your weekly grocery shopping done at the same time. Bonus: buying everything in one place will save time and gas money!

Let your kids raid the home-office supplies, then personalize them in unique ways. For example, decorate inexpensive plain, white binders with digital photos by creating a collage and inserting the page into the plastic outer cover.

Host a back-to-school swap. Round up a couple of other moms with kids the same gender as yours but different ages, and host an annual clothes swap. Trade toys and books, too! You'll save a bundle.

Plan lunch. When you're in charge of what your child eats, you'll save yourself money. Check the weekly circulars at your local supermarkets for sales. If turkey isn't on sale one week and ham is, go for the ham!

Buy bright. Lost school supplies may be a given, but gear that's hard to miss can stave off the inevitable. Pack all their pencils, erasers, and other goodies into a bright backpack or pencil pouch to keep them from disappearing.

Shop the big three. Old Navy, Gap Kids, and The Children's Place rotate merchandise often -- ask when they do their markdowns so you can grab the deals. Also, if you see an item you bought in the past 14 days on sale later, you can get the difference refunded, you don't need the clothing, just the receipt.

Browse Kijiji Yes, you can find top-quality stuff on the cheap, but you can be a seller, too. Why not get some cash for that barely worn, now outgrown brand-name outfit? Just enter your location and click on "Baby and Kids."
Brought to you by Family First Chiropractic and Wellness located at 142 Erickson drive, 403-347-3261