Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CranioSacral therapy information

Jeanneatte Raskin R.M.T. C.S.T.
CranioSacral Therapy can help mothers recover more quickly after childbirth.The adjustment to motherhood may not be as difficult if she receives therapy, the therapy can also remove trauma by the birthing process. CranioSacral Therapy is non-invasive in nature, and has virtually no negative side effects.It strengthens overall good health, motor coordination, sensory perception, range of motion and neuromuscular function. CranioSacral Therapy may facilitate the healing of many health-related problems because the craniosacral system influences the development and function of the brain and spinal cord.
Jeanneatte Raskin works at Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, located at 142 Erickson Drive in Red Deer, Alberta. She is a mother of 3 as well as a registered massage therapist and craniosacral therapist. www.family1stchiro.ca 403-347-3261

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Massage for children

Every child, no matter the age, should be massaged at bedtime on a regular basis." So says Tiffany Field, Ph.D., of the Touch Research Institute (TRI) in Miami, Fla. Field and her associates at TRI have worked diligently over the past decade proving the benefits of massage for children. But this is not a new concept. Infant massage has long been a common practice in families of Eastern and African cultures. Many indigenous tribes use some form of bodywork to soothe, relax and heal their little ones, sometimes including scented oils and herbal remedies as part of the experience. With our modern technology and hurried lives, we frequently find ourselves lacking in quality family time and touching each other less. The ancient practice of massage can serve to reaffirm a close bond with our children, and to convey a comforting sense of security and trust.

Touch is the first sense to develop in humans. It is essential to our health and well-being. Babies have been known to fail to thrive and even die without an adequate amount of physical contact. Adults, as well, can become depressed and ill if they are isolated from this most basic of human needs. Children who learn healthy views of touch and are provided with positive tactile experience by their caregivers are more likely to grow up to be adults with healthy self-esteem, a sense of appropriate boundaries and long-lasting intimate relationships.

TRI researcher Maria Hernandez-Reif, Ph.D., says she regularly gives massage to her own daughter. When asked if other parents should do the same, she says, "Absolutely, a daily massage at least. That's what the studies show. Regardless of whether it's an infant, a child with illness, a preschooler, pregnant women or the elderly -- no matter who we studied we have found that massage benefits all age groups and individuals of different conditions."

Massage is a wonderful stress-buster for children. "Oftentimes when we think about stress," Hernandez-Reif says, "we think it's just an adult condition, only adults have stress. But if you think about it, even young infants and children are prone to stress." A young child starting school who is unfamiliar with the area or children in the class will experience stress. Family illness or financial problems, divorce and even vacations can produce emotional strain. Hernandez-Reif notes that one of the consistent findings in studies of the benefits of massage therapy is a reduction in stress and stress hormone levels: "There is a relationship between stress and the immune system. If stress hormones are chronically elevated, the [hormone] cortisol will destroy the healthy immune cells that fight viruses and tumors and keep the immune system healthy. If you can reverse that, you not only reduce stress but also reduce stress hormones, allowing the immune system to bounce back and do its job, which is to heal the body and keep it healthy."

As for children's behavioral response to massage, she says, "They are happier and in a better mood. We have observed they appear more relaxed, calm and oftentimes fall asleep during massage." If it's the child's first massage, they may squirm a bit because they are not familiar with this type of touch. Due to the discomfort and pain of medical procedures inflicted on them, infants and especially premature babies may have developed a negative association with touch. Given this new, positive experience they relax and their bodies quiet down.

With infants, a gentle gliding stroke is applied to the body, but as the child grows older, the massage may become more sophisticated to include work on the feet, fingers and toes, and use of more extensive types of strokes and techniques. "Teens are a little different," Hernandez-Reif says. "With young children we can train the mother or parent to do massage for a daily dose. Teens, however, don't seem to like their parents giving them massage. They respond better to a massage therapist." TRI's guideline of 15- to 20-minute sessions is a good rule to follow at home. Longer sessions can be overstimulating or even uncomfortable for a younger child with a short attention span.

One of the best ways to give your baby safe, positive messages about touch is to give her massage on a regular basis. Early infant massage may stimulate the developing nervous system and brain, and memory of that positive touch may then be permanently registered in the body cells. By improving circulation, respiration, digestion and elimination, massage promotes a sense of comfort in your baby and makes her less prone to colic. As the baby grows, the stroking of massage prepares the body for sitting, standing and walking by promoting strength, motor coordination and self-confidence. Infant massage is becoming very popular with new parents and a number of resources are now available to get you started. In addition to books and videos, you can find certified infant massage therapy instructors in local private practice and at hospitals and clinics specializing in holistic medicine.

Once massage is established as a family routine, it can benefit your child throughout his growing years. Preschoolers have shown better performance on tests of their intellectual and manual skills after a 15-minute massage. They also slept better during naps, were less likely to be overactive and had better behavior ratings. For teens struggling with the growing pains of adolescence, massage helps to balance unstable hormones and can relieve anxiety by producing a state of relaxation. A supportive relationship with a massage therapist who gives them safe, unconditional touch can also increase their feelings of self-acceptance and self-confidence during those trying years. Originally published in Body Sense magazine, Spring 2003.
Copyright 2003. Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. All rights reserved.


Thursday, January 05, 2012

A Fathers Homebirth story #6

Home Births Part 6 – In late January, 2008 our third son was born on a cold winter night in the warmth of a small kiddie pool in our basement. Our midwives braved the cold and snow that day and Marshall was born without incident with their assistance. We were completely comfortable with a home birth by the third child. The care given by our midwives was superb and professional and we thank them for making those experiences memorable.
 I have not had the experience of having a child born in the hospital so I really cannot comment on a hospital birth. What I can say is that having our sons born at home in a pool with the assistance of our midwives were experiences that I will never forget and that we will cherish for the rest of our lives. I would recommend a home birth to anyone is pondering that option. Other options include a midwife assisted birth at the hospital and/or the support of a doula.
I am proud to say that our sons were born at home.
Written by Lyle Johnson B. Comm and father of 3 boys
Family First Chiropractic and Wellness 142 Erickson, Dr, Red Deer, Alberta T4R 2X3

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

A Dad's birth perspective, part 5

Home Births Part 5 – Two years after our first son was born, we had moved from our small, cozy home to a home large enough for our second child due one month later in June, 2005. There was no doubt that we wanted to use a midwife and have this baby born in our new home.  I felt completely comfortable with a natural midwife assisted home birth and now I could not imagine going to a hospital for this birth. However, I did learn that each pregnancy is different for which the baby and his mother received plenty of professional pre-natal care. Food cravings and aversions to certain smells by the mother are different for each pregnancy. Each baby carries differently causing their mother discomfort at different times during the pregnancy. Regular chiropractic treatments definitely help to alleviate the discomfort as well as position the baby well for an optimal birth.

Laboring prior to the birth of our second child was not as intense as the first birth but still a lot of work for mum. When Adam was delivered in a water birth on June 25th, 2005, he came out so fast that his mother did not realize that she had just delivered our second son. The midwives were fantastic throughout the pregnancy labor and delivery. I really can’t imagine any better care than what we received.
Lyle JohnsonB. Comm  is a father of 3 and husband to Dr. Joelle Johnson of Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 erickson Dr. 403.347.3261 www.family1stchiro.ca

Monday, January 02, 2012

A Dad's Perspective Part 4

Home Births Part 4 – I was awakened in the early morning hours on a hot summer night in late July by my wife who was experiencing some labor pains. “We are going to have this baby” was her resolve. We got dressed and went outside for a brisk walk at 4:30 a.m. just in time to watch the sun rise and the birds to start singing. I was timing how far apart the contractions to make me feel like I was contributing. We called our midwife later that morning as the contractions became closer. The midwife came over to see how far along things were with the delivery. Things were progressing slowly and I learned quickly that every pregnancy is different – this baby would come when he’s ready. Being at home was comfortable for both my wife and I – we did not feel any pressure to deliver the baby because it was the end of somebody’s shift or that it was just taking too long. We were allowed to follow the birth plan that we chose and we were respected by our midwives for the choices that we made. Regular monitoring of my wife and our unborn child was done.
Later that evening, the contractions were not far apart and my wife was dilated to the point where it would be soon to start pushing. The birthing tub had been prepared earlier in the day and it was time to put some warm water into it. When my wife started to push, my wife was not put on a bed with her feet in stirrups with somebody in a mask peering over a veil at her. Instead, she was allowed to kneel, squat, lay down, go in the shower or whatever in order to continue the birthing process. Due to an injury sustained due a skiing accident when she was a young adult, the pushing process took over 2 ½ hours and the midwives were able to keep her concentration on what she needed to do. When the baby started to crown, my wife entered the kiddie pool set up in the basement of our first home. Late on the evening of July 24th, 2003 we were blessed with the birth of our first son, Logan Lyle Johnson. What an experience! What a courageous, amazing delivery by his mum in a water birth assisted by midwives in our home!  
Lyle Johnson B Comm, is husband to Dr. Joelle Johnson of Family First Chiropractic and Wellness, 142 Erickson Dr, Red Deer, 403-304-7980 www.family1stchiro.ca